Thursday, February 14, 2013

On Tuesday February 12 2013 in my Journalism class our professor separated the class into groups of

five. He had us evaluate one another's blogs and then write about each blog spot we've seen. We wrote

about the content in the blog, also what you learned to make your blog better. So here's my own


My blog URL goes by, I could honestly say it goes by my latest albums title.

When you go onto my blog you will see at the top the title is "In.Kay.For.El's.3rd.Eye" meaning your

stepping into my own mind with my own thoughts that I'm sharing with you. In my blog you will see

as my background I have a photo taken in the mountains. I chose it so you can get a peaceful and calm

vibe when the audience is reading my entrees. I put the text black onto a white background, it is very

easy to read and also easy to follow. What I don't like about my blog is the URL font,  because of the

theme I've chosen it automatically gives it a burgundy font, which gives it the perception of thinking its

not a URL link but just a word that I decided to change the color to. I have been good on updating my

blog, but I am missing a couple things like the storify project we've done in class, and my piktochart

with info about a certain topic that we decided to choose from. I also should embed my cartoon

animation video onto my blog so that my audience could simply just play it from the blog.

Overall, I do like my blog, I do plan on still using it after the semester is over, and hopefully by then I'll

be a better writer.

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